Light Sheer - Diodenlaser


Light Sheer Diodenlaser Hair Removal

Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV
Location: Axilla

Treatment Parameters:
Fluence: 30 J/cm²
Pulse Duration: 30 ms
Active Cooling: 5°C with ChillTip™
handpiece with compression
Wavelength: 800 nm, pulsed diode
Number of Treatments: 3 LightSheer Diode treatments

Christine C. Dierickx, M.D.,
Valeria B. Campos, M.D.,
R. Rox Anderson, M.D.,
Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Diodenlaser - Light Sheer - médico partner   Light Sheer: médico partner: Diodenlaser
vorher   nach 4 Monaten

Light Sheer Diodenlaser Hair Removal

Fitzpatrick Skin Type II
Location: Arm

Treatment Parameters:
Fluence: 40 J/cm²
Pulse Duration: 20 ms
Active Cooling: 5°C with ChillTip™
handpiece with compression
Wavelength: 800 nm, pulsed diode
Number of
Treatments: 2 LightSheer Diode treatments'

Valeria B. Campos, M.D.,
Christine C. Dierickx, M.D.,
R. Rox Anderson, M.D.,
Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Diodenlaser - médico partner: Light Shher   médico partner: Light Sheer - Diodenlaser
vorher   14 Monate nach letzter Behandlung

Light Sheer Diodenlaser  Hair Removal

Fitzpatrick Skin Type III
Location: Leg

Treatment Parameters:
Fluence: 40 J/cm²
Pulse Duration: 20 ms
Active Cooling: 5°C with ChillTip™
handpiece with compression
Wavelength: 800 nm, pulsed diode
Number of
Treatments: 3 LightSheer Diode treatments

Christine C. Dierickx, M.D.,
Valeria B. Campos, M.D.,
R. Rox Anderson, M.D.,
Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Diodenlaser zur Haarentfernung by medico-partner   by medico-partner - Didoenlaser
vorher   9 Monate nach letzter Behandlung

Light Sheer Diodenlaser Hair Removal

Fitzpatrick Skin Type II
Location: Bikini

Treatment Parameters:
Fluence: 40 J/cm²
Pulse Duration: 20 ms
Active Cooling: 5°C with ChillTip™
handpiece with compression
Wavelength: 800 nm, pulsed diode

*note short-term, follicular edema immediately
after treatment

Number of
Treatments: 3 LightSheer Diode treatments

Christine C. Dierickx, M.D.,
Valeria B. Campos, M.D.,
R. Rox Anderson, M.D.,
Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Diodenlaser - Light Sheer by-medico-partner   Diodenlaser - Light Sheer by-medico-partner
vorher   kurz nach der Behandlung

Diodenlaser - Light Sheer by-medico-partner    
8 Monate nach letzter Behandlung    

Light Sheer Diodenlaser Hair Removal

Fitzpatrick Skin Type III
Location: Chin

Treatment Parameters:
Fluence: 40 J/cm²
Pulse Duration: 20 ms
Active Cooling: 5°C with ChillTip™
handpiece with compression
Wavelength: 800 nm, pulsed diode
Number of
Treatments: 3 LightSheer Diode treatments

Christine C. Dierickx, M.D.,
Valeria B. Campos, M.D.,
R. Rox Anderson, M.D.,
Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Diodenlaser - Light Sheer by-medico-partner   Diodenlaser - Light Sheer by-medico-partner
vorher   6 Monate nach letzter Behandlung